I was selected as the most recent Legion of Collectors Superfan!
Check out my mini interview and some pictures of my collection on their website: https://legionofcollectors.com/legion-of-collectors-superfan-spotlight-tiffany-han/
If you're not as familiar with the company, Legion of Collectors is a DC Comics bi-monthly mystery subscription box that features exclusive DC Funko Pops. You can check out my previous Legion of Collectors blog posts here for more details on what's been included in previous boxes.
This is super exciting! I'm not sure how many people actually apply to be featured, but it seems like they select one person every week or every few weeks. I've actually applied to be featured once before but failed to provide appropriate photos so I had Mickey help me with my mini photoshoot the 2nd time around and not too long later (maybe a couple or a few weeks out), I'm on their blog! Whoo!
They even emailed me to confirm that I was featured. They asked me for my address so that they could send me a Mystery Proto prize, which should be arriving later this week (I was really quick to respond. Hah). Mystery Protos are actual prototypes of their products and are usually relatively pricey due to their rare nature. I don't own any as of right now so I'm looking forward to adding one to my collection! I hope it's a Batman related proto!
I thought about waiting for my prize to arrive before blogging about this, but I'm riding the wave right now and I'm too excited. I'll be sure to edit my post with a photo of the prize later this week. Make sure to follow me on social where I will likely be sharing it as well (links to your left).
Funko even shared the news on their social pages! Click through to check out the posts on their Facebook and Twitter. I've also included some quick screenshots below. Unfortunately, I didn't get a shout out on their Instagram page and no Batman and Whiskey tags or shout outs despite sharing my social handles with them (womp), but I'll take it. I love that I have friends who discovered it organically before I even shared it. Just goes to show that I know a bunch of fellow nerds.
Now, I bask in my 15

[EDIT: August 29, 2017, 4:24pm CT]
Stay tuned tonight! I'll be posting photos of the mystery Funko proto prize I received in the mail today for my Superfan feature!
[EDIT: August 29, 2017 11:29pm CT]
As promised, below are photos of the proto prize I received from Funko for my Superfan Spotlight on Legion of Collectors. It arrived today! I've included various photos of the prototype by itself and alongside the production version of the Pop for comparison.
They ended up sending me the prototype of the Teen Titans Robin dressed as Batman, a Toys 'R' Us exclusive. I love it so so so much. It's awesome seeing the proto next to the vibrant colors of the final product. The more I look at the final product, the more I love the paint job they used.
This is my first Funko prototype and I love that I know it's the real deal because it came straight from the source! It's so fun and adorable and "pure" if that makes sense. I am doubly glad that it's a Batman-related prototype! I know Legion of Collectors is all DC focused so I wasn't sure if they'd throw me a curveball with a non-Batman proto, but I guess the odds were in my favor considering the volume of Batman pops they crank out. 😂
Let me know what you think.
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