Monday, January 25, 2016


Welcome to Batman and Whiskey!

I've finally decided to start a proper blog about my Batman collection... and my obsession with Batman.

This blog was actually initially started years ago as where I would post any picture of my Batman collection I could find time to take or forage from the depths of my private Facebook account. Some of my friends have seen it. It was frantic and messy and, quite honestly, ugly because all I wanted to do was document as much of the collection as possible. I actually wanted to figure out a way to share all the Batman stuff I owned starting with a Facebook photo album when Facebook only allowed 120 photos per album which evolved into The blog dropped off because I got lazy and the collection overwhelmed me. I gave up on trying to post everything.

I've decided to take a different approach, a more relaxed, conversational approach via I started this blog for several reasons:
  1. Battiff was taken on Facebook and Twitter. Not lying. That was a legit reason this blog changed URLs.
    Somewhat unrelated, but you know there's a character limit for Twitter handle names? It's 15 in case you're curious. BatmanandWhiskey is 16. If I were talking about Japanese or Scottish whisky, it would have been perfect, but I digress.
  2. I have a day job in digital media planning a.k.a. advertising a.k.a. Mad Men stuff. Over the last few years, I've seen a lot of advertising being done through what we call "social influencers." Basically, people get paid to post and write about stuff they like on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Vine, YouTube, blogs, etc. I'm no Justin Beiber (before he was picked up by Usher that is), but my understanding is that I could make a few bucks on the side if I could keep up posting regularly enough. I just had to find a topic that I could keep up writing about. Notice I said "regularly." I'm not making any promises, but this first post is a pretty good start, right?
  3. Almost 2 years ago, I started my own hashtag on a whim. #Batmanandwhiskey started with the Instagram post below. It initially started as #whiskeyandBatman because I wasn't thinking, but eventually went back to prioritize. I thought it was fun, kept it up, and it made me realize how often I'm surrounded by Batman... and maybe whiskey, but that's not the point. I decided to extend the concept to this blog.

(You'll see that I really like to make lists from my blogging style. I think it has something to do with my love of organization.)

Overall, this blog is still going to be treated as a way for me to (slowly) document my collection while giving me the opportunity to tell a story behind every Batman item I share. Some posts may involve whiskey, but most probably will not.

If you do decide to have something like an Old Fashioned, though, hopefully you swing by my blog at the same time and make it a Batman and Whiskey moment. :)

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